
QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming language that retains QBasic/QuickBASIC 4.5 compatibility and compiles native binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

_PUTIMAGE puts an area of a source image to an area of a destination image in one operation, like GET (graphics statement) and PUT (graphics statement).


_PUTIMAGE [STEP] [(dx1, dy1)-[STEP][(dx2, dy2)]][, sourceHandle&][, destHandle&][, ][STEP][(sx1, sy1)[-STEP][(sx2, sy2)]][_SMOOTH]

Sample usage

_PUTIMAGE ‘full source image to fit full destination area after _SOURCE and _DEST are set

_PUTIMAGE , sourceHandle&, destHandle& ‘size full source to fit full destination area

_PUTIMAGE (dx1, dy1), sourceHandle&, destHandle& ‘full source to top-left corner destination position

_PUTIMAGE (dx1, dy1)-(dx2, dy2), sourceHandle&, destHandle& ‘size full source to destination coordinate area

_PUTIMAGE (dx1, dy1), sourceHandle&, destHandle&, (sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2) ‘portion of source to the top-left corner of the destination page

_PUTIMAGE , sourceHandle&, destHandle&, (sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2) ‘portion of source to full destination area

_PUTIMAGE (dx1, dy1)-(dx2, dy2), sourceHandle&, destHandle&,(sx1, sy1) ‘right side of source from top-left corner to destination

Note: The top-left corner position designates the leftmost and topmost portion of the image to use.


Note: The PUT (graphics statement) options PSET, PRESET, AND, OR and XOR are not available with _PUTIMAGE. QB64 can use _ALPHA of colors to achieve the same results.



 a& = _NEWIMAGE(640, 200, 13) ' creates a 640 * 200 image with the LONG handle a&
 _DEST a& ' makes image a& the default drawing output.
 LINE (10, 10)-(100, 100), 12, BF ' draws a filled box (BF) into destination
 _PUTIMAGE (0, 0)-(320, 200), a&, 0, (0, 0)-(320, 200) 


1) A graphics mode is set by using SCREEN (statement) 13 which can use up to 256 colors. 2) A new image is created that is 640 X 200 and uses the palette compatible with SCREEN 13 (256 colors). 3) _DEST a& makes the image with handle ‘a&’ the default image to draw on instead of the screen (which is _DEST 0). 4) Next a filled box (BF) is drawn from 10, 10 to 100, 100 with red color (12) to the destination image (set by _DEST a&) 5) Now we put the image from 0, 0 to 320, 200 from the image with the handle ‘a&’ to the screen (always handle 0) and puts this image into the coordinates 0, 0 to 320, 200. If we want to stretch the image we can alter these coordinates.

Note: All arguments are optional. If you want to simply put the whole image of the source to the whole image of the destination then you omit the area (x, y)-(x2, y2) on both sides, the last line of the example can be replaced by _PUTIMAGE , a&, 0 which indeed will stretch the image since image a& is bigger than the screen (the screen is 320 * 200 and a& is 640 * 200)

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)
CLS , _RGB(0, 255, 0)
i = _LOADIMAGE(**"QB64.PNG"**)
_PUTIMAGE (0, 0), i ' places image at upper left corner of window w/o stretching it 

Flipping and enlarging an image with _PUTIMAGE by swapping or increasing the desination coordinates.

dest_handle = _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)
SCREEN dest_handle  '32 bit Screen 12 dimensions
source_handle = _LOADIMAGE(**"QB64.PNG"**, 32)
dx1 = 0: dy1 = 0
dx2 = _WIDTH(source_handle) - 1: dy2 = _HEIGHT(source_handle) - 1 'image dimensions - 1
LOCATE 29, 33: PRINT "Press any Key!";
'normal image coordinate values based on the dimensions of the image:
_PUTIMAGE (dx1, dy1)-(dx2, dy2), source_handle, dest_handle
LOCATE 20, 34: PRINT "Normal layout"
LOCATE 24, 10: PRINT "_PUTIMAGE (dx1, dy1)-(dx2, dy2), source_handle, dest_handle"
K$ = INPUT$(1)
'to flip the image on the x axis, swap the dx coordinate values:
_PUTIMAGE (dx2, dy1)-(dx1, dy2), source_handle, dest_handle
LOCATE 20, 34: PRINT "Flip by X axis"
LOCATE 24, 10: PRINT "_PUTIMAGE (dx2, dy1)-(dx1, dy2), source_handle, dest_handle"
K$ = INPUT$(1)
'to flip image on y axis, swap the dy coordinate values:
_PUTIMAGE (dx1, dy2)-(dx2, dy1), source_handle, dest_handle
LOCATE 20, 34: PRINT "Flip by Y axis"
LOCATE 24, 10: PRINT "_PUTIMAGE (dx1, dy2)-(dx2, dy1), source_handle, dest_handle "
K$ = INPUT$(1)
'to flip both, swap both the dx and dy coordinate values:
_PUTIMAGE (dx2, dy2)-(dx1, dy1), source_handle, dest_handle
LOCATE 20, 34: PRINT "Flip on both axis"
LOCATE 24, 10: PRINT "_PUTIMAGE (dx2, dy2)-(dx1, dy1), source_handle, dest_handle"
K$ = INPUT$(1)
'to enlarge, double the second set of values plus any offset of the first coordinates:
_PUTIMAGE (dx1, dy1)-((2 * dx2) + dx1, (2 * dy2) + dy1), source_handle, dest_handle
LOCATE 20, 34: PRINT "Double image size"
LOCATE 24, 2: 
PRINT "_PUTIMAGE (dx1, dy1)-((2 * dx2) + dx1, (2 * dy2) + dy1), s_handle, d_handle 

Using _PUTIMAGE to scroll a larger image created on a separate _NEWIMAGE screen page with QB64.

ws& = _NEWIMAGE(2560, 1440, 32) 'large image page
s& = _NEWIMAGE(1280, 720, 32)' program screen

_DEST ws& 'create large image of random filled circles
FOR i = 1 TO 50
    x = RND(1) * 2560
    y = RND(1) * 1440
    clr& = _RGB32(RND(1) * 255, RND(1) * 255, RND(1) * 255)
    CIRCLE (x, y), RND(1) * 300, clr&
    PAINT (x, y), clr&
PRINT "This is a demo of some screen scrolling.   Use the number pad keys to scroll.  4 goes left, 6 goes right.  8 up, 2 down. ESC key will close this program."
x = 0: y = 0

    _PUTIMAGE (0, 0), ws&, 0, (x, y)-(x + 1279, y + 719)
    a$ = INKEY$
        CASE "4": x = x - 10: IF x < 0 THEN x = 0
        CASE "6": x = x + 10: IF x > 1280 THEN x = 1280
        CASE "8": y = y - 10: IF y < 0 THEN y = 0
        CASE "2": y = y + 10: IF y > 720 THEN y = 720
        CASE CHR$(27): SYSTEM

_PUTIMAGE can be used with no parameters at all if the _SOURCE and _DEST are already set.

h& = _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 256)
_DEST h&
_PRINTSTRING (10, 10), "This _PUTIMAGE used no parameters!"

More examples

See Also