
QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming language that retains QBasic/QuickBASIC 4.5 compatibility and compiles native binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

The SPACE$ function returns a STRING consisting of a number of space characters.


result$ = SPACE$(count&)



Differences between QB64 and QB 4.5:


How to space text in a PRINT statement using SPACE$ with string concatenation.

FOR count% = 0 TO 3
    PRINT "abc" + SPACE$( count% ) + "def"
NEXT count%

abc def
abc  def
abc   def

In SCREEN 0 SPACE$ can be used to change the background color to make an American flag.

 USA flag centered on screen with thin horizontal red & white stripes
' blue corner field with randomly twinkling stars
LOCATE 25, 1
PRINT "Press any key to stop twinkling";
z = 15
FOR x = 5 TO 19          '13 red & white stripes (x =5 to 21 for 15 stripes)
    IF z = 15 THEN z = 4 ELSE z = 15
    COLOR , z
    LOCATE x, 15
    PRINT SPACE$(55)
FOR x = 5 TO 11          'blue field in upper left quadrant (x = 5 to 13 to hold all 50 stars)
    COLOR 15, 1            'sits above 4th white stripe
    LOCATE x, 15
    PRINT SPACE$(23)
    stop$ = INKEY$
    FOR x = 5 TO 10 STEP 2  '39 stars staggered across blue field (50 stars if x = 5 to 12)
        w = 16
        FOR y = 1 TO 6      '5 rows of 6 stars
            r = INT(RND * 6)
            IF r = 0 THEN z = 31 ELSE z = 15
            IF stop$ = "" THEN COLOR z ELSE COLOR 15
            LOCATE x, w
            w = w + 4
            PRINT "*";
        NEXT y
        w = 18
        FOR y = 1 TO 5      '5 rows of 5 stars
            r = INT(RND * 6)
            IF r = 0 THEN z = 31 ELSE z = 15
            IF stop$ = "" THEN COLOR z ELSE COLOR 15
            LOCATE x + 1, w
            w = w + 4
            PRINT "*";
        NEXT y
    NEXT x
    w = 16
    FOR y = 1 TO 6          '1 row of 6 stars
            r = INT(RND * 6)
            IF r = 0 THEN z = 31 ELSE z = 15
        IF stop$ = "" THEN COLOR z ELSE COLOR 15
        LOCATE x, w
        w = w + 4
        PRINT "*";
    NEXT y
    t = TIMER
    DO WHILE t + .2 >= TIMER: LOOP
LOOP WHILE stop$ = ""
COLOR 7, 0

Explanation: In SCREEN 0, the background color is only placed with the the printed text and spaces. CLS can color the entire screen.

See Also