
QB64 is a modern extended BASIC programming language that retains QBasic/QuickBASIC 4.5 compatibility and compiles native binaries for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Basic and QB64 Numerical Types

QBasic Number Types

QB64 Number Types

Signed and Unsigned Integer Values

Negative (signed) numerical values can affect calculations when using any of the BASIC operators. SQR cannot use negative values! There may be times that a calculation error is made using those negative values. The SGN function returns the sign of a value as -1 for negative, 0 for zero and 1 for unsigned positive values. ABS always returns an unsigned value.

  • SGN(n) returns the value’s sign as -1 if negative, 0 if zero or 1 if positive.
  • ABS(n) changes negative values to the equivalent positive values.
  • QB64: _UNSIGNED in a DIM, AS or _DEFINE statement for only positive INTEGER values.

_UNSIGNED integer, byte and bit variable values can use the tilde ~ suffix before the type suffix to define the type.

Mathematical Operation Symbols

Most of the BASIC math operators are ones that require no introduction. The addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operators are ones commonly used as shown below:

Symbol Procedure Type Example Usage Operation Order
+ Addition c = a + b Last
- Subtraction c = a - b Last
- Negation c = -a Last
* Multiplication c = a * b Second
/ Division c = a / b Second

BASIC can also use two other operators for INTEGER division. Integer division returns only whole number values. MOD remainder division returns a value only if an integer division cannot divide a number exactly. Returns 0 if a value is exactly divisible.

Symbol Procedure Type Example Usage Operation Order
\ Integer division c = a \ b Second
MOD Remainder division c = a MOD b Second

It is an ERROR to divide by zero or to take the remainder modulo zero.

There is also an operator for exponential calculations. The exponential operator is used to raise a number’s value to a designated exponent of itself. In QB the exponential return values are DOUBLE values. The SQR function can return a number’s Square Root. For other exponential roots the operator can be used with fractions such as (1 / 3) designating the cube root of a number.

Symbol Procedure Example Usage Operation Order
^ Exponent c = a ^ (1 / 2) First
SQR Square Root c = SQR(a ^ 2 + b ^ 2) First


Basic’s Order of Operations

When a normal calculation is made, BASIC works from left to right, but it does certain calculations in the following order:

Using Parenthesis to Define the Operation Order

Sometimes a calculation may need BASIC to do them in another order or the calculation will return bad results. BASIC allows the programmer to decide the order of operations by using parenthesis around parts of the equation. BASIC will do the calculations inside of the parenthesis brackets first and the others from left to right in the normal operation order.

Basic’s Mathematical Functions

Function Description
ABS(n) returns the absolute (positive) value of n: ABS(-5) = 5
ATN(angle*) returns the arctangent of an angle in radians: pi = 4 * ATN(1)
COS(angle*) returns the cosine of an angle in radians. (horizontal component)
EXP(n) returns e ^ x, (n <= 88.02969): e = EXP(1) ‘ (e = 2.718281828459045)
LOG(n) returns the base e natural logarithm of n. (n > 0)
SGN(n) returns -1 if n < 0, 0 if n = 0, 1 if n > 0: SGN(-5) = -1
SIN(angle*) returns the sine of an angle in radians. (vertical component)
SQR(n) returns the square root of a number. (n >= 0)
TAN(angle*) returns the tangent of an angle in radians

* angles measured in radians

Degree to Radian Conversion.

FUNCTION Radian (degrees)
Radian = degrees * (4 * ATN(1)) / 180

FUNCTION Degree (radians)
Degree = radians * 180 / (4 * ATN(1))

Logarithm to base n.

IF n > 0 AND n <> 1 AND X > 0 THEN LOGN = LOG(X) / LOG(n) ELSE BEEP

FUNCTION LOG10 (X)    'base 10 logarithm

The numerical value of n in the LOG(n) evaluation must be a positive value.

The numerical value of n in the EXP(n) evaluation must be less than or equal to 88.02969.

The numerical value of n in the SQR(n) evaluation cannot be a negative value.

Derived Mathematical Functions

The following Trigonometric functions can be derived from the BASIC Mathematical Functions listed above. Each function checks that certain values can be used without error or a BEEP will notify the user that a value could not be returned. An error handling routine can be substituted if desired. Note: Functions requiring π use 4 * ATN(1) for SINGLE accuracy. Use ATN(1.#) for DOUBLE accuracy.

FUNCTION SEC (x)  'Secant
IF COS(x) <> 0 THEN SEC = 1 / COS(x) ELSE BEEP

FUNCTION CSC (x)  'CoSecant 
IF SIN(x) <> 0 THEN CSC = 1 / SIN(x) ELSE BEEP

FUNCTION COT (x)  'CoTangent 
IF TAN(x) <> 0 THEN COT = 1 / TAN(x) ELSE BEEP

FUNCTION ARCSIN (x)   'Inverse Sine           
IF x < 1 THEN ARCSIN = ATN(x / SQR(1 - (x * x))) ELSE BEEP

FUNCTION ARCCOS (x) ' Inverse Cosine
IF x < 1 THEN ARCCOS = (2 * ATN(1)) - ATN(x / SQR(1 - x * x)) ELSE BEEP

FUNCTION ARCSEC (x)   ' Inverse Secant        
IF x < 1 THEN ARCSEC = ATN(x / SQR(1 - x * x)) + (SGN(x) - 1) * (2 * ATN(1)) ELSE BEEP

FUNCTION ARCCSC (x)  ' Inverse CoSecant 
IF x < 1 THEN ARCCSC = ATN(1 / SQR(1 - x * x)) + (SGN(x)-1) * (2 * ATN(1)) ELSE BEEP 

FUNCTION ARCCOT (x)  ' Inverse CoTangent 
ARCCOT = (2 * ATN(1)) - ATN(x)

FUNCTION SINH (x)  ' Hyperbolic Sine 
IF x <= 88.02969 THEN SINH = (EXP(x) - EXP(-x)) / 2 ELSE BEEP

FUNCTION COSH (x)  ' Hyperbolic CoSine 
IF x <= 88.02969 THEN COSH = (EXP(x) + EXP(-x)) / 2 ELSE BEEP

FUNCTION TANH (x)  ' Hyperbolic Tangent or SINH(x) / COSH(x)
IF 2 * x <= 88.02969 AND EXP(2 * x) + 1 <> 0 THEN 
     TANH = (EXP(2 * x) - 1) / (EXP(2 * x) + 1) 

FUNCTION SECH (x)  ' Hyperbolic Secant or (COSH(x)) ^ -1
IF x <= 88.02969 AND (EXP(x) + EXP(-x)) <> 0 THEN SECH = 2 / (EXP(x) + EXP(-x)) ELSE BEEP  

FUNCTION CSCH (x)  ' Hyperbolic CoSecant or (SINH(x)) ^ -1
IF x <= 88.02969 AND (EXP(x) - EXP(-x)) <> 0 THEN CSCH = 2 / (EXP(x) - EXP(-x)) ELSE BEEP  

FUNCTION COTH (x)  ' Hyperbolic CoTangent or COSH(x) / SINH(x)
IF 2 * x <= 88.02969 AND EXP(2 * x) - 1 <> 0 THEN 
     COTH = (EXP(2 * x) + 1) / (EXP(2 * x) - 1) 

FUNCTION ARCSINH (x)  ' Inverse Hyperbolic Sine 
IF (x * x) + 1 >= 0 AND x + SQR((x * x) + 1) > 0 THEN 
ARCSINH = LOG(x + SQR(x * x + 1)) 

FUNCTION ARCCOSH (x)  ' Inverse Hyperbolic CoSine 
IF x >= 1 AND x * x - 1 >= 0 AND x + SQR(x * x - 1) > 0 THEN 
ARCCOSH = LOG(x + SQR(x * x - 1)) 

FUNCTION ARCTANH (x)  ' Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent 
IF x < 1 THEN ARCTANH = LOG((1 + x) / (1 - x)) / 2 ELSE BEEP

FUNCTION ARCSECH (x)  ' Inverse Hyperbolic Secant 
IF x > 0 AND x <= 1 THEN ARCSECH = LOG((SGN(x) * SQR(1 - x * x) + 1) / x) ELSE BEEP  

FUNCTION ARCCSCH (x)  ' Inverse Hyperbolic CoSecant 
IF x <> 0 AND x * x + 1 >= 0 AND (SGN(x) * SQR(x * x + 1) + 1) / x > 0 THEN 
     ARCCSCH = LOG((SGN(x) * SQR(x * x + 1) + 1) / x) 

FUNCTION ARCCOTH (x)  ' Inverse Hyperbolic CoTangent 
IF x > 1 THEN ARCCOTH = LOG((x + 1) / (x - 1)) / 2 ELSE BEEP

                           **Hyperbolic Function Relationships:**

                                   COSH(-x) = COSH(x)
                                   SINH(-x) = -SINH(x)
                                   SECH(-x) = SECH(x)
                                   CSCH(-x) = -CSCH(x)
                                   TANH(-x) = -TANH(x)
                                   COTH(-x) = -COTH(x)

                       **Inverse Hyperbolic Function Relatonships:**

                              ARSECH(x) = ARCOSH(x) ^ -1 
                              ARCSCH(x) = ARSINH(x) ^ -1 
                              ARCOTH(x) = ARTANH(x) ^ -1 

              **Hyperbolic sine and cosine satisfy the Pythagorean trig. identity:**

                           (COSH(x) ^ 2) - (SINH(x) ^ 2) = 1

Microsoft’s Derived BASIC Functions (KB 28249)

Mathematical Logical Operators

The following logical operators compare numerical values using bitwise operations. The two numbers are compared by the number’s Binary bits on and the result of the operation determines the value returned in decimal form. NOT checks one value and returns the opposite. It returns 0 if a value is not 0 and -1 if it is 0. See Binary for more on bitwise operations.

Truth table of the 6 BASIC Logical Operators

The results of the bitwise logical operations, where A and B are operands, and T and F indicate that a bit is set or not set:

T T   F T T F T T
T F   T F T T F F
F T   F F T T F T
F F   T F F F T T

Relational Operations return negative one (-1, all bits set) and zero (0, no bits set) for true and false, respectively.

This allows relational tests to be inverted and combined using the bitwise logical operations.

BASIC can accept any + or - value that is not 0 to be True when used in an evaluation.

Relational Operators

Relational Operations are used to compare values in a Conditional IF…THEN, SELECT CASE, UNTIL or WHILE statement.

Relational Operators:

Symbol Condition Example Usage
= Equal IF a = b THEN
<> NOT equal IF a <> b THEN
< Less than IF a < b THEN
> Greater than IF a > b THEN
<= Less than or equal IF a <= b THEN
>= Greater than or equal IF a >= b THEN

Basic’s Rounding Functions

Rounding is used when the program needs a certain number value or type. There are 4 INTEGER or LONG Integer functions and one function each for closest SINGLE and closest DOUBLE numerical types. Closest functions use “bankers” rounding which rounds up if the decimal point value is over one half. Variable types should match the return value.

Name Description
INT(n) rounds down to lower Integer value whether positive or negative
FIX(n) rounds positive values lower and negative to a less negative Integer value
CINT(n) rounds to closest Integer. Rounds up for decimal point values over one half.
CLNG(n) rounds Integer or Long values to closest value like CINT.(values over 32767)
CSNG(n) rounds Single values to closest last decimal point value.
CDBL(n) rounds Double values to closest last decimal point value.
_ROUND(n) rounds to closest numerical integer value.


Base Number Systems

                   **Comparing the [INTEGER](INTEGER) Base Number Systems**

  **Decimal (base 10)    Binary (base 2)    Hexadecimal (base 16)    Octal (base 8)**

                          **   [&B](&B)                 [&H](&H) [HEX$](HEX$)(n)           [&O](&O) [OCT$](OCT$)(n)**      

          0                  0000                  0                     0
          1                  0001                  1                     1
          2                  0010                  2                     2
          3                  0011                  3                     3
          4                  0100                  4                     4
          5                  0101                  5                     5
          6                  0110                  6                     6
          7                  0111                  7                     7 -- maxed
          8                  1000                  8                    10
  maxed-- 9                  1001                  9                    11
         10                  1010                  A                    12
         11                  1011                  B                    13
         12                  1100                  C                    14
         13                  1101                  D                    15
         14                  1110                  E                    16
         15  -------------   1111 <--- Match --->  F  ----------------  17 -- max 2
         16                 10000                 10                    20
      When the Decimal value is 15, the other 2 base systems are all maxed out!
      The Binary values can be compared to all of the HEX value digit values so
      it is possible to convert between the two quite easily. To convert a HEX
      value to Binary just add the 4 binary digits for each HEX digit place so:

                        F      A      C      E 
              &HFACE = 1111 + 1010 + 1100 + 1101 = &B1111101011001101

      To convert a Binary value to HEX you just need to divide the number into
      sections of four digits starting from the right(LSB) end. If one has less
      than 4 digits on the left end you could add the leading zeros like below:
             &B101011100010001001 = 0010 1011 1000 1000 1001  
                       hexadecimal =  2  + B  + 8 +  8  + 9 = &H2B889 

    See the Decimal to Binary conversion function that uses **[HEX$](HEX$)** on the **[&H](&H)** page.

VAL converts STRING numbers to Decimal values.

The OCT$ STRING function return can be converted to a decimal value using VAL(“&O” + OCT$(n)).

The HEX$ STRING function return can be converted to a decimal value using VAL(“&H” + HEX$(n)).

STR$ converts numerical values to string characters for PRINT or variable strings. It also removes the right number PRINT space.

Bits and Bytes


The MSB is the most significant(largest) bit value and LSB is the least significant bit of a binary or register memory address value. The order in which the bits are read determines the binary or decimal byte value. There are two common ways to read a byte:

         **Offset or Position:    0    1   2   3   4   5   6   7      Example: 11110000**
                              ----------------------------------             --------
    **Big-Endian Bit On Value:**   128  64  32  16   8   4   2   1                 240
 **Little-Endian Bit On Value:**    1    2   4   8  16  32  64  128                 15

The big-endian method compares exponents of 27 down to 20 while the little-endian method does the opposite.


INTEGER values consist of 2 bytes called the HI and LO bytes. Anytime that the number of binary digits is a multiple of 16 (2bytes, 4 bytes, etc.) and the HI byte’s MSB is on(1), the value returned will be negative, even with SINGLE or DOUBLE values.

                                 **16 BIT INTEGER OR REGISTER**
              **AH (High Byte Bits)                         AL (Low Byte Bits)**
   BIT:    15    14   13   12   11   10   9   8  |   7   6    5   4    3    2   1    0
   HEX:   8000  4000 2000 1000  800 400  200 100 |  80   40  20   10   8    4   2    1
   DEC: -32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 | 128   64  32   16   8    4   2    1

The HI byte’s MSB is often called the sign bit! When the highest bit is on, the signed value returned will be negative.


Program displays the bits on for any integer value between -32768 and 32767 or &H80000 and &H7FFF.

COLOR 11: LOCATE 10, 2
 PRINT "      AH (High Register Byte Bits)           AL (Low Register Byte Bits)"
COLOR 14: LOCATE 11, 2
 PRINT "    15   14  13   12   11  10    9   8    7   6    5   4    3    2   1    0"
COLOR 13: LOCATE 14, 2
 PRINT " &H8000 4000 2000 1000 800 400  200 100  80   40  20   10   8    4   2  &H1"
COLOR 11: LOCATE 15, 2
 PRINT "-32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128  64  32   16   8    4   2    1"
FOR i = 1 TO 16
  CIRCLE (640 - (37 * i), 189), 8, 9 'place bit circles
LINE (324, 160)-(326, 207), 11, BF 'line splits bytes
    FOR i = 15 TO 0 STEP -1
      IF (Num AND 2 ^ i) THEN
        PAINT (640 - (37 * (i + 1)), 189), 12, 9
        Bin$ = Bin$ + "1"
        PAINT (640 - (37 * (i + 1)), 189), 0, 9
        Bin$ = Bin$ + "0"
      END IF
    COLOR 10: LOCATE 16, 50: PRINT "Binary ="; VAL(Bin$)
    COLOR 9: LOCATE 16, 10: PRINT "Decimal ="; Num;: COLOR 13: PRINT "       Hex = "; Hexa$
    Hexa$ = "": Bin$ = ""
   COLOR 14: LOCATE 17, 15: INPUT "Enter a decimal or HEX(&H) value (0 Quits): ", frst$
   first = VAL(frst$)  
   IF first THEN
     LOCATE 17, 15: PRINT SPACE$(55)
     COLOR 13: LOCATE 17, 15: INPUT "Enter a second value: ", secnd$
     second = VAL(secnd$)
     LOCATE 17, 10: PRINT SPACE$(69)
  Num = first + second
  Hexa$ = "&H" + HEX$(Num)
LOOP UNTIL first = 0 OR Num > 32767 OR Num < -32767
COLOR 11: LOCATE 28, 30: PRINT "Press any key to exit!";


Warning: _OFFSET values cannot be reassigned to other variable TYPE.

_OFFSET values can only be used in conjunction with _MEMory and DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY procedures.

See Also